报名南京雅思口语part1高频题目解析之自我介绍, 雅思口语中很多同学都问小编如何说最开始的自我介绍部分,其实这部分在雅思口语中最为简单。试想,所有进入雅思考场之前的题目都是不固定的,但这一关于自我介绍的内容是必考题,准备好这部分内容也会为自己在口语考试中赢得好的印象。下面雅思小编就为大家总结口语part1中自我介绍的说法。 16. Are you a student or do you have a job? I am a student at the moment. I am studying English on a full-time basis at a Language School here in Shenyang. We have classes in the mornings, afternoons, and evenings. Wednesday afternoons we are off, and are allowed to go swimming at a nearby hotel. We have a number of foreign teachers who assist us in the correct pronunciation and grammar of the language. 16. Are you a student or do you have a job? I have a job. I am working in a workshop of a large manufacturing plant at the moment. I graduated from high school two years ago, and went to work immediately. I am an assistant to one of the automotive electricians in the workshop. I have to assist my artisan in getting his jobs done. For instance, I have the responsibility to see that are the tools are in good order, and that the workshop is always kept clean and tidy. 请点击客服咨询详细情况或拨打咨询热线 李老师 报名咨询电话:400-9944-664 报名咨询QQ: 2729521390 a) STUDENT 17. What do you like most about your studies? Well, I guess the speaking part. Please allow me to explain. Language is all about communication. So when I am able to communicate with someone in English, I feel that I have achieved something. I particularly like our free talk sessions with the foreign teachers. It gives me the opportunity to question them about their countries and cultures. 18. What is your major? As I have been studying on a full-time basis at an English Language School, we have only one subject, namely English for Academic Purposes called EAP. We do reading and writing, practical speaking, and listening by means of cassettes. English is the language of the future, especially in the business world. What I mean to say is that when I am able to communicate well in English I will not only be able to go and study abroad and improve my qualifications, but also have mastered a very necessary tool for my future career. 19. Which is the best university in China? That’s an interesting question. Allow me to explain my personal view by shortly mentioning the following points: I believe that the Liaoning University in Shenyang is the best University in the country. For example, it has the highest percentage of students passing their courses of all the universities in China.